The Most Expensive Private Plane | Lady Gaga’s 757 Jet | $67 million

Lady Gaga is noted to be quirky and ostentatious in character. Her outfits are often controversial and her performances much-talked-about. Her recent rendition of the national anthem during the presidential inauguration, for example, was the talk of the town for several days. She also has owned many things that are considered luxuries and the envy of many. Among these are her outfits, a koi pet, and various Michael Jackson items.

Among the most expensive, perhaps is her Boeing 757 private jet. It was bought for $67 million and certainly provides Lady Gaga with all the benefits of a luxurious life. She no longer has to queue up and be bothered with lengthy check-in procedures for commercial flights. Given its gas or fuel consumption, environmentalists might not be too happy about the plane though, but for Lady Gaga, it is a must.
