The Most Expensive SUV | Justin Bieber’s Range Rover | $84,950

With the internet becoming a more convenient platform for everyone to use, more and more people have since become famous. One such person is the famous singer Justin Bieber. Before his shot to fame, he would often record videos of himself performing covers of his favorite artists’ songs and upload them to YouTube. Since then, he has become a worldwide sensation, having released many of today’s hits like What Do You Mean, Sorry, Love Yourself, and Cold Water.

Although sports cars are undoubtedly gorgeous, luxury SUVs also radiate a degree of beauty to them. With that in mind, it would come as no surprise to know that Bieber is one of the many celebrities who proudly owns a Range Rover. Other rides he has sheltered in his garage over the years include a Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder, a first-gen Audi R8, a Fisker Karma, and a Lamborghini Aventador.
