If we are to name our favorite Hollywood actress, it would be Julie Andrews. Why? Well, she’s got important roles in films that shaped our childhood! Mary Poppins and The Sound Of Music are some of the films we loved watching while growing up. These two films also happen to be two of the most successful musical films of all time. Unfortunately, she lost her singing voice due to medical negligence while undergoing surgery in 1997. She must have gone through a massive heartache considering that her voice is one of the factors that brought her fame and fortune. She still gets to appear in other blockbusters like Princess Diaries and Tooth Fairy. The award-winning singer-actress now has a $45 million net worth.

Thanks to her investments of dedication and services to the field, she was appointed a Dame in 2000. Andrews was not ashamed of her other films which didn’t turn out as successful as the two. She said those movies are so dear to her heart since they are a part of her forever. Besides, the underrated movies are what defines a celebrity’s strength throughout one’s career. It all comes down to “to pursue or to not pursue”. Andrews will remain a legend and will also be the classiest lady that this world will ever get the privilege to know. Her role as Maria Von Trapp is dubbed to be the hardest character to ever be remade.
